Thursday, May 18, 2006

Leaves a' plenty.....

Lots more leaves were cut out today, and they are all lined up like little soldiers on my bench awaiting the chop tomorrow morning.....the ones at the front are for Rena who has sold out of the last batch of earrings..hooray!!

I am feeling a little tired today....and so thought the best thing to do was to stick a camera on top of my head and pull a face!! .....cheers one right up.... hehe!! Who knew??

Just a short one for tonight....I am feeling ashamed of myself for watching the fist night of Big Brother 7....really appalling...and I am now feeling like falling into a deep sleep, so, to bed!
Roll on Friday ;)



lisa solomon said...

love the marching leaves!!

shari said...

i love the leaves too. isn't it great to hear that your earrings sold out in rena's shop? so wonderful. congrats to you! xx! shari
ps: such a cute photo.

Anonymous said...

Abigail! Am so loving seeing the process of your work....


ah, more orders for your lovely earrings... good for you, abigail! love your self portrait.. it made me smile :)